Robotics Full Course In Hindi

Open career opportunities and have fun learning electronics focused on building robots/automation!

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by Abhishek Verma Last updated Thu, 26-Dec-2024 Hindi
What will i learn?
  • Learn Embedded C
  • Students will be able to analyze and construct basic analog and digital circuits. As well as design printed circuit boards, assemble and get them running.
  • Students will develop a strong confidence on topic,
  • Differentiate between various types of robots based on their configuration, control systems, and applications.
  • Operate and program robotic systems using industry-standard software and hardware.
  • Explain the fundamental principles of robot kinematics, dynamics, and control.

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
  • requirement Laptop and Wifi A modern Windows PC (or VM) capable of running various CAD and design tools used in this course such as Altium CircuitMaker, Labcenter Proteus, Matlab, and more. A High School or equivalent understanding of mathematics. Since the course is about electronics, to get the full benefit of the course, you will need to follow along and build the circuits. Thus, access to breadboards, power supplies, tools, parts, etc. A lot of patience! This is a university level course with many 1 hour lectures. There's a lot of material to cover, and we are here to learn this cold, inside and out!
  • Laptop and some Basics Electronics Components like Arduino ,ESP32 and other Components
  • Very basic knowledge of electronics.
  • A High School or equivalent understanding of mathematics.
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This course provides an engaging introduction to the fascinating world of robotics. Students will gain a foundational understanding of robotics principles through a blend of theoretical concepts and practical, hands-on projects.

Course Objectives:

  • Develop a foundational understanding of robotics concepts: Explore key areas such as kinematics, dynamics, control systems, sensors, and actuators.
  • Learn to design, build, and program simple robots: Gain practical experience with robotic platforms, including popular options like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and LEGO Mindstorms.
  • Develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills: Apply robotic principles to solve real-world challenges and complete engaging projects.
  • Explore the ethical and societal implications of robotics: Discuss the impact of robotics on various aspects of human life, including employment, healthcare, and transportation.

Course Topics:

  • Introduction to Robotics: History, applications, and societal impact.
  • Robotics Components: Sensors (e.g., ultrasonic, infrared, GPS), actuators (e.g., motors, servos), and microcontrollers.<button _ngcontent-ng-c1578247805="" class="mat-mdc-tooltip-trigger button entailed-button" aria-label="Expand the fact-check response" aria-describedby="cdk-describedby-message-ng-1-20" cdk-describedby-host="ng-1"><!----></button><!----><!---->
  • Kinematics and Dynamics: Understanding robot motion and movement.
  • Control Systems: Designing and implementing algorithms for robot control.
  • Programming for Robotics: Learning programming languages like Python or C++ for robot control.
  • Robotics Projects: Hands-on projects involving robot design, construction, and programming.
  • Ethical Considerations in Robotics: Exploring the ethical and societal implications of robotics.


  • Project Assignments: Students will complete individual or group projects throughout the course, culminating in a final project that demonstrates their understanding and skills.
  • Quizzes and Exams: Regular quizzes and exams will assess student comprehension of key concepts.
  • Class Participation: Active participation in class discussions and group activities is encouraged.


  • Basic understanding of high school-level physics and mathematics.
  • Some prior programming experience (optional, but recommended).
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About the instructor
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  • 1 Students
  • 4 Courses
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Hi , I'm Abhishek Verma

I am an Electronic Engineer and have a B. Tech in Electronic and communication Engineering from AKTU Lucknow University, India. I have a passion to learn and teach electronics and other related courses. I produce videos on YouTube about how electronic circuits work and review several electronic stuff. I am now an PCB Designer Engineer in Company  and I hope you enjoy my courses here.

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